
Tuesday, 21 July 2015

I Disappeared?


So I am back! I have been inactive for 2 months now and i am really sorry but school work and exams take up a massive amount of time and i do need to concentrate on my work for sixth form because these grades now determine which universities i will get into which is pretty scary.

Since i have been away though alot has happened so i will provide you with a brief update...

  1. I am now planning to study English Literature at university! I am still unsure which university i would like to attend but I now know which course I want to study which is definitely a step in the right direction.
  2. I am going to Uganda! I have been chosen to represent North West England girl guides when I travel to Uganda next summer, I was selected with 9 other girls to work alongside the charity Develop with Dignity,they work with women to provide them with information about their health and wellbeing. I can't really believe I was selected all i need to do now is fund raise £2000..
  3. I bought a new bookshelf from Ikea while on a roadtrip around the UK, so now my books aren't just piled up on the floor.
  4. I went to YALC 2015, I will post a full description of what happened in a later blog post since alot happened.
  5. I am currently doing my Queen's Guide Award (The Highest Award in UK Guiding) which means i will be posting alot in the future about my community project.I am planning to set up a blog which will promote reading for young girls and I have already spoken to a lot of authors about helping me with this project.

I am sorry in advance for the lack of posts recently, i promise i will posting more and i will try my hardest not to be inactive


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