The passing of time is truly terrifying
Knowing that I have no control over the future
Knowing that the past will remain
And the present is constant
Wandering forwards I try to distract myself
Reading sleeping eating living
But never loving.
Loving is not something that comes easily
I forget where I am sometimes
Losing track of time and place
I feel lost all the time
Wandering the empty road of time
I like to forget
Because that is the only moment when time doesn’t matter
I have true freedom
Tranquility and it is peaceful
No need to worry about the lost words
Forgotten conversations
Future lives
And mistaken fortunes
I am scared of time
The continuous ticking of a clock
The innate thought that I must continue
But what if I want to stop.
CR: Verity A Shaw
WOW <3 I think you're an amazing author/poet and please write more!