
Monday, 4 April 2016

Let's Talk Feminism : Why Am I A Feminist?

I have spent a while rewriting and editing this post and in all honestly, I have never struggled like this when I have been writing before. I guess it is probably due to the many thoughts I have about this issue. It is something that impacts my life everyday and it is such a controversial topic right now but many of you requested I discuss it on here.

I thought I would create a series of blog posts called "Let's Talk Feminism" and I will be addressing a different issue each month, which will include; cat-calling, sexual objectification, rape culture, the media's impact and the beauty myth, the gender pay gap, domestic violence, FGM and the gender inequality in developing countries.

Today, I am going to be talking about feminism and why I am a feminist.

I understand that due to my background I may just sound like a "white feminist" and in a sense, yes I am. But I understand that there are many other issues facing women of other ethnicities and from different countries to me. I want equality for all. I would like to call myself a inter-sectional feminist as I understand that many men/women struggle with racism, homophobia (and many other issues) as well as sexism and it is almost impossible to separate these issues. I want equality.

So why am I a feminist?

  1. Because men and women should be treated equally.
  2. Because the "Beauty Myth" still exists and growing up, myself and many other young girls were under constant pressure from the media to look "pretty" which just establishes low self-esteem and insecurity within young girls.
  3. Because 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted at some point during their lifetime, usually by someone they know personally.
  4. Because when a victim of sexual abuse or assault speaks to authorities they will be asked "what were you wearing?"
  5. Because women should be paid fairly and equally for the same work their counterparts do instead of being paid less as they aren't men.
  6. Because Rape Culture still exists.
  7. Because my gender should not affect whether I will get a job or not.
  8. Because I cannot walk down a street alone at night without feeling afraid or being cat-called.
  9.  Because Female Genital Mutilation is still happening today and 125 million women living in Africa or the Middle East will have suffered this horrific act. 
  10. Because many women are deprived of an education. This was highlighted in April 2014 when 276 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by an Islamist terrorist group due to the fact they were gaining an education. Girls represent nearly 60% of children that are not in school.
  11. Because so many girls in developing countries cannot afford to look after their sanitary health. So many women drop out of school as they cannot afford to have sanitary towels so they have to use leaves. 
  12. Because Rape is continuously used as a weapon against women especially through war and genocide. 
  13. Because one of the few ways to avoid male attention is to say "I have a boyfriend."
  14. Because "Like A Girl" is still an insult and it is not fair that men are made to withhold their emotions as it is not seen as a "masculine" thing if a man cries.
  15. Because men suffer from mental health issues and they are often made to withold their emotions. Nearly 4 in 5 suicides (78%) are by men and is the biggest cause of death for men under 35.
  16. Because my sexuality ( whether I am a virgin or I have had sex) defines me when it should not. We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the same way boys are.  
  17. Because gender bias concepts should not control our society, in the same way it currently does.
  18. Because domestic violence is so prominent within society and many people still think it is acceptable. 

I wish for a world in which my gender will not affect my life choices. I wish for a world in which men and women are treated equally. I wish for a world in which gender bias concepts don't control us. I want change. I want a better world where we can live without the gender discrimination that affects and controls all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love, Love, Love this post! Completely agree with all the points they are exactly the same reasons I am a feminist!
