
Tuesday 13 October 2015

Update: Gigs and Birthdays


I am sorry for being so inactive recently and not posting for the last week but I have been pretty busy. My best friend, Ritchie, turned 18 yesterday so I spent most of this weekend hanging out with him and relaxing. 

 I have been a fan of Rhodes music since I first picked up the Raise Your Love EP in 2013 (i think?) and I fell in love with his beautiful music and lyrics. I introduced Ritchie to his music since we both have very similar music tastes and he also really liked Rhodes music so when I found out he was doing a UK tour a couple of months ago, I asked if he was interested and he said 'Yes, Obviously.' so we booked tickets.

So on Saturday night, I headed down to Manchester with Ritchie where we went to see Rhodes perform live. It was one of the most incredible gigs I have been to and I have been to alot of gigs. We managed to get right to the front at the barrier and it was amazing watching Rhodes perform live. We were both dancing and singing (terribly) but the atmosphere of the venue was so intimate and breathtaking since nearly everyone was singing along.

It was incredible to see Rhodes perform live as he put so much heart and soul into his music. Me and Ritchie were luckily enough to meet the support act (JP Cooper) and  Rhodes after the gig. they were both such kind and genuine guys. I wish them both the best in the future and if you haven't yet listened to their music you need to since they are such incredible musicians.

So over the next few months I am going to 4 more gigs (in Manchester), which is insanely exciting:
Oct 22nd - Nothing But Thieves
Oct 30th - Amber Run
Nov 25th - Walk The Moon
Dec 5th - Kodaline
I will keep you updated on the future gigs I will be going to and if you would like me to?

So following the gig on Saturday, I spent my Sunday working all day and then on Monday (Ritchies actual birthday) I headed to his for dinner with his family and it was one of the nicest things I have done, it was so lovely to hang out with his family and a few close friends just relaxing and reminiscing, his grandparents made amazing birthday cake aswell which was great aha

I will be posting updates weekly for you and hopefully I will be able to post book reviews every 2 weeks from now on x